Contradictory? Yes, a bit, but you cannot allways choose the systems and architecture in which you are working.
solution? Runing apache under linux instead of runing wamp or some weird solutions like that (i don't like at all, sorry).
First, install vbox:
Second, download the iso of your preffered linux distro, and install it.
Third, when you machine is running, go to Devices>install guest additions.
Now you have to come back to your linux machine, and install a few things, kernel upgrades included (if needed).
- yum install gcc -y
- yum install kernel sources -y
- yum install kernel-devel -y
Reboot your system, and mount:
- mkdir /media/VirtualBoxGuestAdditions
- mount -t vboxsf /dev/cdrom /media/VirtualBoxGuestAdditions