Alex Moreno

A Drupal Developer in London

Convert dates from UNIXTIME in mysql

Reading a date in mysql can be frustrating, unless your brain is able to convert Dates from UNIXTIME formats. Let's see for example this scenario in Drupal:

SELECT * FROM `node` ORDER BY `node`.`created` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30

If you need to fetch, for example, when it was the last time that a node was created, this format doesn't help too much.

The solution is quite simple, FROM_UNIXTIME( field_with_date )

For example:

SELECT * , FROM_UNIXTIME( created ) FROM `node` ORDER BY `node`.`created` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30


ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server

Have you ever had a big (and when i say big I mean BIG) database which you need to import in a sql file?

If so, you'll probably have found this issue (or even you are having the problem just now and you are reading this looking for a solution):

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server

This uses to happen when trying to import the dump with the mysql -u command:

mysql -u root -p database < databasetoimport.sql
