Alex Moreno

A Drupal Developer in London

archlinux and vbox: sharing folders

This days i'm discovering a new Linux flavour, which it remembers me a lot to another old friend: Gentoo. It has a really similar way of installing, it's very very customizable like Gentoo, and it's quite minimalistic. I'm speaking about Archlinux.

I have to say that this days I was thinking in changing from more than 3 or 4 idilic years with Debian/Ubuntu to a more customizable system. I really don't like the last change which Ubuntu has made on the Desktop, and I really loved when I had the possibility of using last releases of software when using Gentoo (5 or 6 years ago).


Accessing centos apache/httpd from vbox host

This is the scenario. You installed vbox in your Mac, windows or Linux computer. Then you´ve installed Centos or Red Hat (or any other Red Hat flavor) in this virtual box.

Next step, installed httpd (apache2) and... even it is running and httpd status confirms it with a "running" message, it cannot be accesible from your host machine.

The problem is on iptables. Red Hat by default denies access to this machine from other (external) machines. Solution? Very easy, open iptables file:

vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables
